Saturday, October 20, 2007

Once upon a time...

...there was a BEAUTIFUL pumpkin patch on my deck. Momma bought two big pumpkins for the human kids and two little ones for us! I went out to explore. Yep. Four beautiful pumpkins! Then along came ChaChi Lu, my big Sis, to explore the pumpkin patch. The next thing I knew, she had TAKEN a pumpkin ALL TO HERSELF!

SHE IS SUCH A PUMPKIN HOG! Does she think that by taking it in the house, I won't be able to get it????

WOW. Such is the life of ME.



Amber-Mae said...

Hahaha! Chachi looks sooo funny with that miniature pumpkin. Did she eat it?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

2shibas said...

Jet - that is just plain mean. Did you steal it back yet?

Wiley & Fievel

Poppy said...

Cha Chi is obviously a smart girl. Pumpkins are the best treat ever! I love pumpkins! You should tell your mom to carve some up for you. It's soooo good!


Simba and Jazzi said...

I bet that pumpkin was heavy. She did well to carry that.

Simba x

Ferndoggle said...

It's the GREAT pumpkin, ChaChi Lu!! You have some strong teefers.


Asta said...

That's not faiw!
you should get a punkin too!
I would complain!
smoochie kisses

Tadpole said...

Did she EAT it?!?! Did you get any?!?! Sometimes when I'm really good I get mumpkin on my food!