Yes, it is true. The worlds ugliest dog is a Chinese Crested/Chihuahua mix. This is why, I ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne, needed to let the world know that not all CHI CHI's are like Elwood. Some have refined and gorgeous features like myself. I am saving our reputation ...
If I have just saved ONE opinion or personal comment, it was worth it! I am dedicating this blog to all of the dogs out there that have been labeled or grouped together because of their BREED! Let the blogging world unite as I continue to blog for doggie individuality! CHI CHI's are BEAUTIFUL....
Peace and Love and daisies,
~ChaChi lu Pink Champagne
That doggie is not pretty. Unlike all the DWB dogs I have met.
Simba xx
Hi Miss Chachi Lu,
Firstly you are very beautiful and since I am not sure of my species(parents think I am almost 99% JRT)
I agree with you!
About may have to be a very long distance relationship!!As in when he comes to visit me !!He is a very energetic puppy!He wore me out.But I am pretty sure he has no girlfriends!!He could be your man on the side !!!!
Cha Chi,
Thank you for this most gracious public service announcement. I get lumped into the "neurotic shiba" category all the time, and it's just not fair. I even had a V.E.T. tell my mom and dad once that she was "shocked" that I was such a good boy because she "normally doesn't care for shibas." Can you believe that crap? We are all in-dog-viduals. Thanks for bringing that important point to the forefront.
Pee Ess: If you and Tadpole had a pup, would it look like Elwood? I hope not!!!
Pee Ess Ess: Congrats on your 101st post!
Oh man, poor fella. He must be a rescued dog...His tongue reminds me of Joey's, Suki's new brudder. You are cute Cha Chi!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You definitely look nothing like Elwood. But even if he is a tad unusual looking, it's not his fault. I'm sure he's very pretty on the inside...just like you!
Hello ChaChi.
I think you are very pretty. But I don't think the other doggie is ugly, just sort of different looking.
There are no ugly doggies, only ugly peeps, hehe.
Ruff ruff
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