Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Handsome JET!

What? A bath? Me? How come she isn't taking me to the grooming parlor? Unbelievable!

Babs thinks she can make me all pretty at home. The warm water was nice, but c'mon...pomegranate? I am not a girl dog and I SMELL LIKE A GIRL DOG NOW! She even used a dryer and a brush and got my fur all POOOFY!

She may want to take my picture now, since I am so handsome, but I am going to ignore her. She needs to know that THIS IS NOT MY IDEA OF A GOOD MORNING! NO WAY WILL I LOOK AT THE CAMERA! BLOG THAT,BABS!


Poppy said...

Oh, poor Jet! I feel your pain about the bath. I got one on Sunday night after we went to the beach. Afterwards I just smelled like wet dog though--not fruit. But pomegranates can by manly. Don't you know that's Tadpole's middle name?


Asta said...

Sowwy about the bath Jet!
I aways get gwabbed when I least expect it..and I'm nevew diwty!

Thank you fow the birthday wishes..I just added you to the big pictoowe..I'm sowwy I fowgot befow..must be the hangovew
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Oh you poor boy! Those shampoos look like bottles of wine, hehe! Why did your hooman bathe you with a girlie shampoo? I don't like bathing too. I think all those shampoos & conditioners stink like hell!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

I hate baths, only groomers should be allowed to bath dogs.

Simba xx

Frasier said...

Oh Boy!Baths and I got two last week.Thats going to be my next post

SpillToJill said...

the doggies are so cute!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Pomegranate is my middle name (like Poppy already said)! Did it have some of my masculine essence in it?! I don't remember giving any to them...?! Maybe they took it out my poop that my girl doesn't let me eat in the yard....