Sunday, July 26, 2009

Checking out Nacho's House...

When Nacho came to stay with us, he brought this silly thing...we are a little unsure what it is. Chachi was brave and went inside. I, Jett, decided it looked suspicious so I didn't go in. Nacho, is that your blankie? It smells interesting...

We gave Nacho the "Ball that does nothing" to see if he could figure out how to use it. Nope. Still does nothing. *sigh* we tried...who thinks up these dog toys? I would rather play with socks myself.....and there are PLENTY of socks around this house....

*Jettie Bean

1 comment:

Poppy said...

Yeah, crates are weird. My sister had one like that for trips to the V-E-T. Chachi was very brave to go inside!
