Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's my special day!

It's my pawty and I'll whine if I want to.....Today is MY special day. This is NOT Jet's special day so let's not confuse this issue. I am ONE today. I was the beautiful princess daughter to Pinky and Ralph. Babs went to the doggie bakery and bought me a "whoopie pie". It was made especially for spoiled little pooches like MOI. The whole family sang "Happy Birthday" to me at breakfast and I even got to stand on the TABLE to eat my first bite. I didn't eat much because I sometimes have an intolerance to new foods. I did get to taste it until Jet came over and tried to hog a piece. I shared with him because I am quite fond of Jet. BUT, getting back to me....It is MY DAY. I get to make the rules. I am ChaChi LU Pink Champagne the GREAT! I am such a big girl now.



Katherine and Pippa said...

Happy birthday.

Love Pippa xx

Tadpole said...

ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Hope you get more and more treats and presents as the day progresses!


Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday ChaChi Lu!!!!
I hope you had a great day celebrating with your family!
Have a good night Big Girl!
Kisses and hugs

Simba and Jazzi said...

Happy Barkday!!!!! The cake sure looks yummy.

Simba x

Amber-Mae said...

Oh ChaChi, Happy 1st Barkday to you! Wow, that cake looks sooo gooood! That's a lot of creeeeam! You're a big big girl now but still a teen.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

2shibas said...

Wow, ChaChi! Happy 1st Barkday! It looks like you received the royal treatment -which you totally deserved!!!

btw, we love the new pics on the sidebar of your blog. Your human pets are quite cute!

Wiley & Fievel

Mack said...

Happy birthday sweet little ChaChi Lu!!

Hope you got lots of pressies and birthday kisses!

That first pic of you is ADORABLE!

Weeny&Daisy said...

Happy Birthday sweet Chachi! We hope you enjoyed your special day :)

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Ferndoggle said...

Yayyyy ChaChi! Happy're a big dog now!


Frasier said...

Happy Birthday lil lady!
Thats a yummy looking cake !!

Poppy said...

Happy Birthday ChaChi! I can't believe you're only one--you're so worldly!


Asta said...

My BIG apologies fow missing this enouwmous day!!
HAPPY BIRFDAY My sweet little we'we bof one yeaws old only I'll stop being one firstest..I hope you had a fabulous day!!!That cake looks gweat!
smoochie kisses

Lacey said...

Happy Birthday Chachi! That cake looks delicious. Hope you had a great day.