How much trouble could a Chinese Crested/Chihuahua mix puppy and a long haired Chihuahua puppy be?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Dreaming of Summer...
This morning, the windchill was somewhere between 35-45 below! We hope Anna is staying warm up at Lake Superior. I am just going to crawl back in my snuggly till Summer...
This cold is for the birds. Bring on summer...Soon!!
We dont blame you! We would go back to snuggly warm bed too!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
Hi, ChaChi Lu!
I don't like cold weather!
Sure I hope you stay warm wrappen in your blankie!
Kisses and hugs
Its really wet and windy here, but not that cold. I think you'll need a nice warm blankie.
Simba xx
Good grief - that is COLD!
Where do you guys live?????
Wow, that's really cold! Stay warm okay? Why not continue sleeping beside your vent?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
get the sweater on n dun catch a cold..
take care...
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