Saturday, January 5, 2008

We are home from the Doggie Salon!

What an exciting day! ChaChi and I went to a Doggie Salon and got all beautiful. Notice our little matching bandanas! Not only were we pampered with nail treatments, a good teeth brushing, and a lovely shampoo...but when we arrived home Babs and Anna had gotten us EACH a new comfy bed for the living room. It was important than ChaChi pick out her bed first and I was so happy she picked the pink bed. I really wanted the blue one. As if that wasn't exciting enough, I found a yummy chewie in my bed!! I think ChaChi had one too but I didn't really care so much because I was busy gnawing on mine.

Babs said that my breath was as sweet as pie and my fur smelled like baby powder. ChaChi already wants to roll around on her chewie to make herself stinky again. She REALLY prefers stinky but don't tell her I told you. She would be so embarrassed!


Lorenza said...

Hi, ChaChi Lu and Jet!
You two look great there in your new beds! Glad each one of you chose the right color!
I love baths! But here is pretty cold and I have not gotten one in 2 weeks!
Have a good night

Asta said...

Jet and Chachi
What a gweat suwpwise to find those bootiful is the pawfect colow fow you jet,and Chachi looks gweat in pink..I'm glad you had such a good day..I'd love a kissie fwom youw sweet bweath
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Aw, I bet you both smell like heaven! Those are nice bandannas & beds...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hey you two always look pretty good. But you look very cool in your new beds.


Poppy said...

Wow, those are very cool beds! They look super soft and comfy!


Asta said...

Hi Chachi and Jet
Awe you still enjoying youw new beds and youw manicoowes...I'm glad you liked my stowy
smoochie kisses

L said...

Your beds look great. We never doubted that ChaChi would pick the pink one!
Comet and BLU

Simba and Jazzi said...

You look very comfortable in your beds. Nails, teeth, that was pampering.

Simba xx

Frasier said...

Thats how life should be !!!!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

what a luxury treatment u have there...

Ferndoggle said...

Ugh! I totally need a spa treatment. I haven't been pampered in AGES!
