Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I want UP!

I think Jettie can TALK!

We all know that I, ChaChi Lu PInk Champagne, have been blessed with the looks in this family. But, I think Jet has the ability to TALK. Yes. See, he has trouble jumping up on the couch (even though he comes from a family of agility dog champions) or even jumping down. He gets very frustrated and then decides it is easier if someone picks him up. He usually stands just like this and make a half barking sound that sounds exactly like "HUP"...I kid you not!

I am hoping he teaches me to say "more beef please".

~ChaChi LU


MamaCarter said...

Jet speaks about as well as Monkey. heh he he

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's so cool that Jet can request he want UP!

~ Girl girl

Lorenza said...

Hi, ChaChi Lu!
I can understand Jet's frustration! I can't jump either!
Sure those talking skills help him to get what he wants!
Kisses and hugs

Poppy said...

Coooool. What a smart cookie! He's probably wise not to jump up and down anyway...that might be how I hurt my back. Good luck with that "more beef" thing! :)


pee ess: I know how to say "murph" but I'm not really sure what the Human English translation is!

Simba and Jazzi said...

I would learn to talk, but no one around here ever listens to me anyway.

Simba xx

Amber-Mae said...

He needs a springer at the bottom of him & then maybe it will help him get up. Getting down, well, he just better be careful not to jump on it becoz he will go flying up somewhere!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hehehe! I don't really need to talk because I've perfected the staring technique. If I stare really hard at my humans for long enough they give me treats! Works every time! Good luck with "More beef please"! J x

L said...

That's pretty cool that Jet can talk. Beef is a great word to learn. So is peanut butter!
Comet and BLU