Monday, January 21, 2008

The Birthday Countdown!

Hi puppies and family! Everyone has been asking, inquiring minds want to know...when is my REAL birthday? Well, I just heard from my birth Mommy AMY that I was born on Feb.20th 2007. My Momma Pinky and my Daddy Ralph were so proud of us. I just thought it was important to let everyone know ahead of time that THIS is my real birthday. It was about 12 weeks after that this picture was taken...on Anna's lap...on my way to my new home. I cried in the car and my face looks a little confused, but I eventually felt right at home in my loving family. I hope Babs plans something special for my big day!


Lorenza said...

Hi, ChaChi Lu!
I am sure you will have a very special celebration for your birthday! Let us know!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

I bet you'we going to have a fabulous Birfday!!! It's only a momf away!
I'm so glad you found such wondewful pawents
smoochie kisses

Simba and Jazzi said...

Well you will need cake, you can't have a birthday without cake.

Simba xx

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hey at least you know in advance. I have ended up writing about my Gotcha Day four days afterwards.
Don't forget to keep reminding us.


Weeny&Daisy said...

Oo How exciting! We hope that there is something special planned for your birthday!

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Amber-Mae said...

ChaChi, you turning one soon? Oh, you're gonna be a big girl already but yet, you're still sooo adorably cute! Will not forget to wish you Happee Barkday on that exact date!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Mack said...

Wow, you were blinged-out at a very early age! Good for you!
I hope your birthday is very special, like you!


L said...

Your first birthday is very special. We hope you have a big pawty planned!

We saw a dog that looked just like you running down our street yesterday. Did you try to visit us? Our girl went outside to invite you/that dog in, but she ran away.

Comet and BLU

Gledwood said...

wow she looks like Paris Hilton's doggie!


Ferndoggle said...

Woooo Hoooo! We love a good pawty. Can't wait to celebrate!

Sherman, Penny & #51

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey ChaCha Lu, you're such a cutie since young. I'm sure you'll have a pawsome birthday pawty

~ Girl girl

Urban Smoothie Read said...

it'll soon be your 1st barkday..

sure its exciting and you are anticipating for the big day to come...

Simba and Jazzi said...

Congratulations you won the name Simba competition. Please could you send Mummy your address to so we can send you your prize.

Simba xx

Frasier said...

Hi ChaChiLu
A big cake would be great!!!!

Asta said...

You'we making me blush..thank you vewy much fow the compliment..I love you!
smoochie kisses

Bella said...

Even though you look a little aprehensive in the picture you have landed in the most wonderful home.
I'm sure a lovely surprise will be instore for you on you real Barkday.