Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mr. Jettie Bean Jeans!

Look at me! I am Jettie Bean Jeans! Auntie Karie got me these hot new jeans! I am stylin'! ~JET

Let me take a closer look at that label, Jet. Why yes! They are VERY nice jeans indeed! Now where is my new sweater she got me? Jet...must it always be about YOU!?! ~ ChaChi


Ferndoggle said...

I need to get Shermie some of those...he's been licking his leg like crazy.


Lorenza said...

Hi, ChaChi Lu and Jet!
Sure Jet looks stylish!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

Ha! Nice jeans! Is it a branded one?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

I have never seen a dog in jeans before, you are a real trend setter.

Simba xx

Mack said...

Was that you I saw on the cover of the latest PlayDog magazine?

2shibas said...

Our mom could barely stop laughing long enough for us to dictate an appropriate message. She is weird. There is nothing funny about a dog in jeans.

WIley & Fievel

L said...

Jet - You are totally stylin in those jeans!

Asta said...

Jettie bean Jeans..those awe HOT!!! I hope you find youw sweatew Chachi!
smoochie kisses

Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

We need to get our mom to get us some cute jeans, too!