Monday, February 18, 2008


See this little fence? Well, let me tell you a little story. This weekend, Babs thought that ChaChi and I were old enough to have run of another room in the house. She took this fence down and we were able to explore the enchanted dining room. All was good until ChaChi and I decided to DIG at the edge of the carpet and then we found the most wonderful thing.....we figured out that you can unravel the carpet and pull it out with your teeth. It was so much fun. Digging. Pulling. ChaChi and I were having a grand ol' time!
Here is a picture of what that hallway looks like now. Yep. Back to confinement. We are no longer allowed in the enchanted dining room until ChaChi and I grow up and learn that Babs' carpet IS NOT A TOY.



Par said...

I feel lucky that I don't have carpet for now.

Poppy said...

Ooh, you guys are such rebels! I used to do that carpet digging thing too. At our old apartment I dug out the edge of the carpet right in front of the sliding door to the porch. Hey, that's what pet deposits are for, right?!


Asta said...

Chachi and Jet

cawpets awe fun to munch on I agwee, but hoomans don't seem to agweee...oh well it must have been fun while it lasted
smoochie kisses

Tadpole said...

Hey - did you also know that if you EAT the strings, they come out in your poo and dangle from your bum?! And then your mom has to CUT them off and she'll make all kinds of funny faces and gross noises and it's the BEST! Give it a try!

Oh, and Jet - did you get to see Paris over Valentine's Day? You and your parka are TOOOOOO cute! (from one man to another, of course)

Mack said...

You've been a very bad (but handsome) little man!!

Kissy, Kissy face,
Paris Rain

L said...

Carpet isn't a toy? Since when? We think Babs needs some new rules!
Comet and BLU

Lorenza said...

Sorry you two are not allowed there! I love to scratch the carpet too!
Kisses and hugs

Simba and Jazzi said...

Well thats no fun. Humans sure know how to spoil a good game.

Simba xx

Amber-Mae said...

But it's just a little few rips here & there right? No big deal... hehe!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Opps about the carpet.

~ Girl girl

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i love the carpet usually the place i choose to pee...

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Saw your comment over at Comet and Blu's, and wanted to say hi. Thanks for selecting the small jelly bean! Nice to meet you guys! Come visit me sometime. I like dogs and all animals as you will see from my Big World.
--JB (Jelly Bean)

Weeny&Daisy said...

Aww poor things, we bet the carpet was so fun to chew and tug on! Never mind, you have loads of other great things to play with instead!

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx